HTML message with embedded pictures background-images


New Member
Hello there,

i could manage it to embed pictures in a HTML-Mail. But only the images using the <img>-tag. Is there a way to embed images used by CSS's background-image:url(IMAGE.JPG)? I attached the pictures to the mail but MaxBulkMailer did not change these entries (no CID:...).

Thanks in advance



Staff member
MaxBulk Mailer only embed the pictures referenced in the HTML code with an img tag. If you want me to try CSS here open a support ticket and add a sample Maxbulk document with the attachment so we can try. Actually I don't know whether the CID thing is supported in CSS code.


New Member
Thanks a lot.
I will open the support ticket as asked. I did the CSS CID: thing in another mail which is send via a php script an it works fine. The pictures are referenced and embedded the same way it is done in the img-tag.

looking forward for the support of this thing :)