How to update Max Bulk lists with user changes made online


New Member

I can upload a MaxBulk member list to my website. But if members unsubscribe this is represented in the nline list but not automatically in Max Bulk. How can I import or update these changes?

Asking: Luna


Staff member
Re: How to update Max Bulk lists with user changes made onli

When you sent a message, do you select the recipient list first? Is it a remote list?


New Member
Re: How to update Max Bulk lists with user changes made onli

Hi there,

if I send a mail I select and use the local (!) list in MaxBulk.

I uploaded this list to the website (the transfer works, I see the list members all online - but, see different post, I always get the (german) error that I attach here again).

But -how or when is the local list updated back from the online version where unsubscribings might have taken place since the last sending?


Staff member
Re: How to update Max Bulk lists with user changes made onli

If you use a local list, go the MaxBulk Mailer preferences, MLM preferences and make sure all option are checked.


New Member
Re: How to update Max Bulk lists with user changes made onli


yes, everthing is already "checked" as you suggested. See picture attached. But also with this setting I always get the red error code if I manually upload the current list to the website parnter list.

It seems that the upload works, but still there comes the error text. Maybe this text occurs though no error took place? Can it be that this is a bug?


Staff member
Re: How to update Max Bulk lists with user changes made onli

If the list is uploaded I guess you can ignore that error, right? That error is sent by your server.


New Member
Re: How to update Max Bulk lists with user changes made onli

Yes, it seems to be uploaded. I say "seems" because it seems so if I "replace" everthing. But as there is a error message I wonder if this message has something to say. Maybe it somestimes does not upload or update. And - my server speaks English - but the message ist German and unspecific. It is that why I think the program does issue it.


Staff member
Re: How to update Max Bulk lists with user changes made onli

The upload is a HTTP POST, the same as when you fill a form on a web site and click on the Submit button. Here we also send a file, your data. MaxBulk Mailer expects a HTTP success response from the web server software but is is not the case. You can see what error is returned by using the lm/html/upload_list.php file on your server.