How to reopen a statistic log file in MBM?


New Member
Hi Stan,

I just got a system crash during an email sending.
Hopefullly, the application restarted well and all the deliveries were completed.

However I can't see in the statistic window the interrupted sending n°XXX.
It's still into the application folder/deliveries. But even if I relauch, it's still missing.
The next sending I did worked fine and it is in the list.

So is there a way to reload the missing statistic log file in MBM ?



Staff member
Do you mean the delivery number on the left panel? If you resumed a crashed delivery, that number should not have changed.


New Member
Yes it is the delivery number in the left panel.
But it's not only about the number itself. It's about the whole statistic report. The number has disappeared passing directly from 251 to 253.
I reloaded MBM several times but it seems it just can't find this missing statistic report anymore.