How to personlaize subscription and unsubscription messages?


New Member
I have installed the MLM wordpress plugin. It works well. people can subscribe and unsubscribe and I see the result on the remote lists. Yeh!

Now I would like to personalize the messages. How do I do that? What am I supposed to look for? Ideally I would like to send the people who subscribe to a website, where they can wantch a free video and I don't want to do it manually. When they unsubscribe I would liek to just send them a more personal message.


Staff member
Re: How to personlaize subscription and unsubscription messa

Do you mean the subscribe receipt the subscriber receives by email?


New Member
Re: How to personlaize subscription and unsubscription messa

Yes the receipt they receive when they subscribe or unsubscribe.


Staff member
Re: How to personlaize subscription and unsubscription messa

You will find that in the 'lm/templates/en' folder.