How to get rid of leading slash?


New Member
I am using the Web Page format to create my mailings. MBM is placing a leading slash in front of all the links on that webpage. For example, they all have "/" for each link. How can I get rid of this leading slash?

Thanks so much!

edit: It works fine without the tracking (except the mailto:link doesn't want to popup in preview mode), but with tracking on, it has the "/" before all the links and sticks "/" before the "mailto:"

Of course, these links are "not found" by the server.


Staff member
It is not necessary. If you copy and paste that URL to your web browser what do you get?


Staff member
That's the correct reply for current version. This is really weird. Have you tried to more MaxBulk Mailer preferences to your desktop?


Staff member
The idea is to move the preferences to your desktop so MaxBulk Mailer creates new one. The preferences are stored in a file.

Mac OS X:
~/Library/Preferences/Maxprog/MaxBulk Mailer/Preferences

Windows 7:
C:\Users\<your_account_name>\AppData\Roaming\Maxprog\MaxBulk Mailer\MaxPrefs.ini

Windows XP:
C:\Documents and Settings\<your_account_name>\Application Data\Maxprog\MaxBulk\MaxPrefs.ini

Once you have done that you will have to enter the preferences again.


New Member
Thanks so much for the explanation. I did that and know I get:

The requested URL / was not found on this server.

when I click a link on the page.


New Member
The web server, I assume.

The email I'm sending has in the first line. It displays fine although it says the css link is wrong. It has a broken link message at the top that has "" (The one that NEEDS a leading slash doesn't have it.)

Then any of the links on the page are broken with a leading slash in front. ie...





This only happens when I use tracking. If I turn off the tracking, the links work as expected.


Staff member
Tracking add the MLM URL to all your URL. What I don't understand is why it hads a '/' only rather than the whole MLM URL. I need to see your message source and try to reproduce here.


New Member
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Staff member
I have pasted your code to a new MaxBUlk Mailer document, sent it to me and everything is fine. I don't have any'/' pasted in front of every URL. I guess there is something wrong with your document. Would it be possible to get that document?


New Member
Screenshots attached of the previews. One is the preview of the file itself with the broken css link. The other is a screenie of what I receive after clicking a link.


New Member
Oh... and one more thing... if I paste the code and send using html, it works... just not in "webpage" mode. I was wanting to do webpage mode to make it easy for my husband that doesn't know how to "fiddle" with things and wants everything "quick and dirty". I intended to setup a basic file with the text stuff in it and let him paste his web pages in the top lines and send. Anything much more than that renders him pretty much helpless.