How to change currency on an account


New Member

My accounts that I've created in iCash is a mix between "default" and "SEK". If I create a new account I can choose the currency. But on accounts that is in use this field is greyed out. So I can't change it.

Is there a way to change the currancy on an active account?



Staff member
Changing the currency of an account that has been used in transactions will not update the amounts used in those transactions. It is the reason why the option is not available. The only way to do that will be using a SQL query. If you really want to do that please let me know.


New Member
Thanks for your answer.

Yes I'd like to change the currency on a number of accounts. I've found that its very easy to forget to choose currency when you start a new account. Either I would like to have all changed to "default " or all changed to "SEK"

Can you hlp me with that?


Staff member
Open the SQL query editor and write:

SELECT * FROM tblCurrency

then click on the 'Run ' button. Take note of the currency symbol and record you need to use. Then write:

SELECT * FROM tblAccounts

then click on the 'Run ' button. Take note of the account name and record you need to use.

The Query to change a given account currency is:

UPDATE tblAccounts SET Account_CurrencyRecord = CC WHERE Account_Record = AA

Where CC is the currency record of the currency you want to set the account to and where AA is the account record.

The Query to change all the accounts with a given currency to another currency is:

UPDATE tblAccounts SET Account_CurrencyRecord = CC WHERE Account_CurrencyRecord = RR

Where CC is the currency record of the currency you want to set the accounts to and where RR is current currency record.

The Query to change all the accounts to a given currency is:

UPDATE tblAccounts SET Account_CurrencyRecord = CC

Where CC is the currency record of the currency you want to set the accounts to.