How do I get un-subsribers onto my list in MayBulk?


New Member
Hi there,

I see that I can upload lists through MaxBulk via MLM to my webserver. If I make changes or add users locally the upload beams this to the server.

As users can un-subscribe themselves - I send an unsubscribe link with my mails - they dissapear on the list on my webserver. They then still are on my local list in MaxBulk.

How can I get the information about the online deleted (unsubscribed) (ex-)members to my local list?

The documentation says only:

MLM fully integrates with MaxBulk Mailer (v6 or higher) through the 'Remote Lists' function allowing you to send messages to your remote lists directly as if they were local, without the need to go through the tedious and boring import/export steps. The 'Remote Lists' option is a new entry available in the List Manager pull-down menu, just below 'Multiple Lists'.

For me it seems that here I can only "import" into the webserver but not "export" to my local list.

Does anybody know how I have to do this?

Thans in advance, Luna


Staff member
You have to choose, do you want MLM to unsubscribe your recipient from a local or a remote list? You can't do both. MLM will always unsubscribe recipients from the list that was selected when the message was sent.