Help me with complicated Transactions!


New Member
I'm living in Cambodia. In this country, people accept many currency at the same time such as US dollar, Riels. I'm using trial version of iCash 7.4.

Case 1:
I go to a shop and buy an item, I give $5 note, the shop owner return to me 200 Riels. (1$ = 4120 Riels). How can I add this activity into iCash?! (I have two bank cash account: USD & KHR). I often pay by USD but... the return is less than one USD so people often return to me in KHR.

Case 2:
I buy an item. In my pocket has a note $5 & a lot of KHR. I pay $5 & 2000 Riels. How can I add this activity into iCash?

Any advices for my case?

Thank you in advanced!


New Member
Sorry for my stupid question ^___^! All Solved! iCash is great for all cases. I used Group function. Just do everything as it is.

Just a note for case 1:
step 1: add expense $5 from USD Cash to Groceries
step 2: add refund 200 riel from Groceries to KHR Cash.
step 3: group them.

But one thing to take note here.
1. Origin Account -> click Show All Accounts
2. It's quite difficult to convert the currency here. Details that: Amount editbox, I must input the money in USD. Then I must input the exchange rate in order to convert that small amount appear exactly 200 Riels. That's the problem. Despite we can do manually but it's a little bit complex.

So, my problems are solved. But if anybody have any better ideas, please show up.

Anyway, thanks for iCash.


Staff member
Yes, it is the best way to do it right now. I am not sure to understand why you find it complex. Are you looking for something to make it easier? If so, any suggestion?


New Member
This is the first time I get acquainted with iCash so I just feel it a little complicated. Everyday I deal with exchange rate. So my suggestion is:

Currently, iCash user input the money that spent (from Original account) then input the exchange rate. iCash then calculate the result (under Rate textbox).

I suggest give user ability to input the amount that spent, then input the actual amount. In this case, iCash user doesn't care about the exchange rate.

hongying said:
2. It's quite difficult to convert the currency here. Details that: Amount editbox, I must input the money in USD. Then I must input the exchange rate in order to convert that small amount appear exactly 200 Riels. That's the problem. Despite we can do manually but it's a little bit complex.

With the case in the quote above, the best way is.. I will input 200 riels, then iCash will automatically use the exchange rate to convert into USD. Why? because a normal user like me in daily life.. i don't know & really don't care 200 riels = ? USD. ^__^ My own suggestion.

Best regards,