Have installed successfully, now making no progress...


Staff member
This MLM address seems correct. Are you able to log in with a web browser? Can you create lists and add addresses to them?


New Member
Maybe my next step should be to move MBM from my machine here at work to my machine at home and see how things work completely free of the network here...


New Member
After more discussion with IT, it seems that the problem is that we us a proxy to connect with the internet and that's why MBM won't talk with the MLM folder, no matter where it's located. Our mail server is only accessible from inside the office, so I can't simply use the program from home. Is there a place in MBM to indicate or change proxy settings?


New Member
Yes, everything here is set up to connect to the internet through a proxy. Since I'm on a mac and can't use IE, I get asked for username and password to access the web and many local applications ask for the username and password also. I just wondered if there was a place somewhere in MLM to specify that information.


Staff member
Well, MaxBulk Mailer only supports direct HTTP access to MLM, there is no proxy support yet.