Gmail causing problems?


New Member
I'm having problems sending out maxbulk emails through g-mail.

I'm trying to send about 1000 e-mails, and I have set it up exactly as maxbulk says I should set it up as for gmail.

I attached a picture of my preferences:

It worked originally for a little bit, but after it sent a few hundred e-mails, now every time it says this:

WHY! I don't get it. Even if I close the program, restart, it will still have that error every time: "mailbox unavailable"



Staff member
GMail has a 1000 messages delivery limit per day. In other words, once you have sent 1000 messages you will not be able to send more until next day. Note that I have heard that some accounts have a 500 messages limit per day rather than 1000. I haven't been able to confirm that information so far.


New Member
I have exactly the same problem

I had 894 messages and only 570 are delivered

Ok if there is a limit, but how to know and manage it ??? ...

I am sending email to clients, not unknown people

and every day I receive commercial messages from big spammers who use do they do ? Because I don't think they have only 500 messages in their list but thousands...
