get unsent mail adresses ?

Mr Eric

New Member
Hello !

After a sending session, i received this report

À un total de Total : 11.161 destinataire(s) [11.161/48.452]
Envoyé(s) Sent: 4.019
Échoué(s) Failed: 7.142 non livré(s) [Connexion fermée par le serveur Connection closed by server]

There's a total of 7142 unsent mail on 11161 adresses... But the adresses are marked with the paper plane, so i can't identify the failing adresses. I'm sending through a local smtp under xp.
Connexions: 25 [Utilisée(s): 25 | Échouée(s): 15] Serveur unique
Could you exlain this error a bit more ? The comlete report can be found at the bottom of this message.

And, is there a way to get this 7142 adresses ? in a log file ? Or is there a way to get a complete report with detail of unsent mails ?
I looked in the preferences there were an option to get complete report, but i want to be sure before next send.

I'm using 6.5-FR Pro.

Thank you !


État de livraison MaxBulk Mailer [#25] - 2/06/2009

Version logiciel: 6.5-FR Pro - Enregistré
Système/vitesse: Windows XP (SP3.0)/1.893Ghz

Connexions: 25 [Utilisée(s): 25 | Échouée(s): 15] Serveur unique
Méthode de livraison: Séparément (Traitement des étiquettes activé)

Adresse serveur SMTP: [Port: Par défaut] SSL Off
Authentification: Aucune | []
Groupes: Tout ensemble [Intervalle: 00:01:00]

Date début livraison: 2/06/2009 à 21:13:53
Date fin: 2/06/2009 à 21:33:32
Durée totale: 19 minute(s), 38 seconde(s) - Tentatives: 1000/30
Cadence: 3.41 destinataire(s)/seconde

À un total de: 11.161 destinataire(s) [11.161/48.452]
Nom liste: inconnu
Envoyé(s): 4.019
Échoué(s): 7.142 non livré(s) [Connexion fermée par le serveur]
Erreurs: 15

Priorité: Normale
Accusé de réception: Non
Format: Texte|HTML | UTF-8 | quoted-printable
Taille: 4.78 Ko (Pièces jointes non incluses)
Pièces jointes: Aucune



Staff member
I think you are sending your messages too fast. I recommend you to read the following article I wrote: Sending a message thru a server with a daily or an hourly delivery limit.

By the way, sent emails have a paper plane icon. You can order your list by delivery status/icon. To resume the delivery just click on the send button again. MaxBulk Mailer takes care of sent addresses for you. But before you should read the page above and set the software to send at a slower pace. In the past it wasn't a problem sending to a lot of recipients at once but nowadays it is recommended to deliver messages at the slowest pace you can. This will ensure your messages will get delivered and you will not get caught by a spam filter.