get addresses from reply all


New Member
When you hit reply all the e-mail address of everyone from the original will be put in the to: field. when extracting e-mails from your received messages do you get those e-mails. Thanks I am very new to this.

Thanks, Harry


New Member
I do not see the e-mail address in the message. You only see them once "REPLY ALL" is clicked. Will these hidden "REPLY ALL" e-mails be extracted?


Staff member
Sorry but what is the relation with eMail Extractor. I don't understand your question actually. Is this about eMail Extractor?


New Member
yes email extractor

In e-mails that I get they contain ?hidden? e-mails that you see when the "reply all" button is clicked. I am just trying to understand if e-mail extractor will find those hidden e-mails. So my wording is confusing.


Staff member
eMail Extractor works with plain text files. Plain Text files has no hidden stuff. When you save an email you save the sources. That creates a plain text file with no hidden stuff either.