File size


Hi Stan!

My concern today: All iCash files I created recently take a lot more space than the ones created long ago.

My main (older) file contains 21000 transactions (!), 326 accounts and 24 categories and weights 16MB (compressed is 4MB) and I still use it every day without any noticeable increase in size.

A new file I started few months ago contains 216 transactions, 56 accounts and 12 categories weights 24MB (compressed is 127KB)

The thing is that there is a lot of traffic, versioning and backup involved when one uses Dropbox (or similar) to share these files. And a 24MB file starts slowing down the whole process.

Is there a way - or rules - to get the smaller file as possible?
(latest iCash version on MAC OS 10.9.5)


Staff member
You can't do nothing actually. This change is due to the document block size. Current one is better because it is faster and files can contains much more records.


Understood. So would it be advisable to convert the old format to the new one to gain speed? if yes, how to do it?


Staff member
If you plan to continue adding transactions, yes. That can be done using the 'File > Tools > Recover Database' from the iCash File Manager.


Did this: My new " - recovered" file is 2MB smaller than before! (14MB instead of 16MB) with still 21000 transactions. Did I do something wrong?


Strangely enough reindexing doesn't change the size. And if I optimise it I even get a slighter smaller file at 14MB. So I guess the new format is still not implemented for this file.


Staff member
It is possible. Note that iCash files are SQL databases, data and indexes. Previously an empty file was smaller that current ones, because of block/segment size.