fetching mails stuck


New Member
Hello together,

I have just installed the BounceHandler, but however I have a problem fetching the mails from my IMAP-mailbox.
The protocol says:

"A0003 FETCH 3 RFC822"

Interesting thing is that the mailbox contains 19 mails and every time I start the mail fetching the BounceHandler stops working on a different mail. Sometimes it is mail one, sometimes it is mail 3 and this changes in every run.
The authentication on the IMAP-mailbox is working as you can see in the log below - I have erased some company specific data and replaced it with "[...]".

9/30 12:29:05 ~ Status: Connecting to imap.[...].de (IMAP) Port: 993 Security: SSL v3
9/30 12:29:05 ~ Status: Connected to IMAP server
9/30 12:29:05 > A0001 LOGIN [...] ***************
9/30 12:29:05 * OK mailservername IMAP4 [...] server ready
9/30 12:29:05 > A0002 SELECT Inbox.bounces
9/30 12:29:05 A0001 OK User logged in
9/30 12:29:05 ~ Status: Mailbox pointer = 2
9/30 12:29:05 ~ Status: Mailbox pointer reseted to 2
9/30 12:29:05 ~ Status: Total messages in Mailbox = 0
9/30 12:29:06 * FLAGS (\Answered \Flagged \Draft \Deleted \Seen)
9/30 12:29:06 * OK [PERMANENTFLAGS (\Answered \Flagged \Draft \Deleted \Seen \*)]
9/30 12:29:06 * 19 EXISTS
9/30 12:29:06 * 0 RECENT
9/30 12:29:06 * OK [UIDVALIDITY 1380534984]
9/30 12:29:06 * OK [UIDNEXT 20]
9/30 12:29:06 A0002 OK [READ-WRITE] Completed
9/30 12:29:06 ~ Status: Mailbox pointer = 2
9/30 12:29:06 ~ Status: Total messages in Mailbox = 19
9/30 12:29:06 > A0003 FETCH 2 RFC822
9/30 12:29:06 * 2 FETCH (RFC822 {14576}
9/30 12:29:06 ~ Mail Subject: 'WG: WG: neuer Kunde'
9/30 12:29:06 ~ Applying rules to "WG: WG: neuer Kunde"
9/30 12:29:06 ~ No bounce found.
9/30 12:29:06 ~ Status: Messages downloaded = 1 of 19
9/30 12:29:06 > A0004 FETCH 3 RFC822
9/30 12:29:06 ~ Status: 102 Connection dropped. - Stage: 03
9/30 12:29:06 ~ Status: Connecting to imap.[...].de (IMAP) Port: 993 Security: SSL v3
9/30 12:29:06 ~ Status: Connected to IMAP server
9/30 12:29:06 > A0001 LOGIN [...] ***************
9/30 12:29:06 * OK [...] server ready
9/30 12:29:06 > A0002 SELECT Inbox.bounces
9/30 12:29:06 A0001 OK User logged in
9/30 12:29:06 ~ Status: Mailbox pointer = 3
9/30 12:29:06 ~ Status: Mailbox pointer reseted to 3
9/30 12:29:06 ~ Status: Total messages in Mailbox = 0
9/30 12:29:06 * FLAGS (\Answered \Flagged \Draft \Deleted \Seen)
9/30 12:29:06 * OK [PERMANENTFLAGS (\Answered \Flagged \Draft \Deleted \Seen \*)]
9/30 12:29:06 * 19 EXISTS
9/30 12:29:06 * 0 RECENT
9/30 12:29:06 * OK [UIDVALIDITY 1380534984]
9/30 12:29:06 * OK [UIDNEXT 20]
9/30 12:29:06 A0002 OK [READ-WRITE] Completed
9/30 12:29:06 ~ Status: Mailbox pointer = 3
9/30 12:29:06 ~ Status: Total messages in Mailbox = 19
9/30 12:29:06 > A0003 FETCH 3 RFC822

Additionally some information about the environment:
IMAP-Server: Linux server
Client OS: Windows 7 x64 completely updated
eMail BounceHandler: 3.8.4 (bought one week ago)
AV-software: turned off and on - no difference
Outlook is configured to receive mails from the same folder - closing Outlook and having it opened makes no difference

Do you have any idea? What could I have configured wrong or what can I do to solve this issue?


Staff member
The connection log shows how your server stop responding to commands. Have you tried to contact the server administrator?


New Member
I am the administrator and I can garantuee that the server is up and running and mails are being sent out and received. I am able to reconstruct the same issue on another desktop client.

And I can not find connection problems or aborted commands in the logfiles on the server


Staff member
Weird then. The connection log you see shows eMail Bounce Handler commands and server responses. The server never respond to the last FETCH command :-/