Featurerequest - Function to find duplicate posts/transactio


New Member
I relay heavily on the import feature of iCash to import statements from my bank, copying and pasting information to a text document that I then import. Doing so it is quite easy to by mistake import a post that is already imported on a earlier time. As of now I have to be observant and pay attention to not import a post two times, which take a bit of time.

I would love a function that helped med to catch thous post that seems to have already been imported, and in some way alert me to not import that row/post. :D

An other example would be to be able to catch transactions between two accounts. A transaction appears on two accounts, one time on the from-account as -xxx, and on the to-account as +xxx. Importing both accounts would result in two post, that actually in iCash should be one post.

A function that in some way could catch or find posts that looks to be a transaction and then letting me merge them to one would also be of great help. :D


Staff member
Re: Featurerequest - Function to find duplicate posts/transa

Ok, what do you propose, iCash showing a duplicate window with a list of possible duplicate transactions? With duplicates we are talking about transactions with same origin account, same target account and same amount?


New Member
Re: Featurerequest - Function to find duplicate posts/transa

stanbusk said:
Ok, what do you propose, iCash showing a duplicate window with a list of possible duplicate transactions?
How the GUI part or interaction with the user should be I haven't figured out. Maybe, for the function to be generic and usable for all transaction/information, the "find duplicate function" should not be tied to the import function, but rather be a function that can be run any time, on a selectable (date span?) part of all the transactions.

stanbusk said:
With duplicates we are talking about transactions with same origin account, same target account and same amount?
Yes, and date. I'm not a very god programer, but how about making it possible to toggle what should be includ for a match to be find. Leting the user decide what to look for and making them selectable.
  • Date
  • origin account
  • target account
  • amount
  • comment

If a possible match is found, it should be possible to merge/delete the transaction/transactions, much like the duplicate contact functions/apps you can find for contactlists in phones.


Staff member
Re: Featurerequest - Function to find duplicate posts/transa

Ok, I have created a feature request for that.