I think it is good for prefixing amount with currency symbol such that it is not necessary to check in the account properties window. Faster and accuracy play.
in transactions tab,
for example we enter $45.00 for an account in US currency, then the $45.00 will be displayed as US$45.00. If we enter $30.00 for another account in CAD currency, then the $30 will be displayed as CAD$30.00.
I still don't understand. What are you expecting or looking for? You should not add any currency symbol when you add an amount. Currency is added later following your settings.
I got multi-currency accounts and entered transactions with amount as usual. I didn't enter the currency symbol before the amount.
I hope the currency could be found in a straight forward way in the transaction tab if the transactions are involved in a lot of multi-currency accounts.
Up to v6.6, I need to open the corrosponding account properties / the account manager to check.