extract emails from Facebook or other urls


New Member
Ive tried to copy and paste the url into the email extractor and no luck. it just says done! with no emails. i've tried multiple pages? am i doing something wrong?


Staff member
Facebook is a password protected system. You have to log in to access the information.


Staff member
I guess it is the same. Anyway eMail Extractor, as the product page says, is to process local documents, documents you have on your computer, not on the internet.


New Member
According to the Help document built into EmailExtractor, this is how you harvest from the internet (not from local files):

"- From URLs
Launch eMail Extractor. An extraction window is automatically created. Launch your favorite web browser. When you visit a page and you need to extract the email addresses it contains, just drag and drop the URL to the email extractor window. The page is then downloaded by eMail Extractor and the contents are processed. Email addresses are extracted and saved to a file following the settings you can optionally change from the preference panel."

I dragged and dropped a URL from Internet Explorer onto the extractor window and it started to work. Twenty minutes later it was still working, with no emails extracted, so I closed it and looked here for help.

Are you saying it is not possible to extract emails from an internet page that contains emails? If so, how? What I'm doing isn't working.



Staff member
You can indeed paste a URL (or drop it), eMail Extractor will download the page to your computer and process it. If it contains emails they will be extracted. To process a site you would have to use this on a Mac or this on Windows.


New Member
You said earlier the extractor doesn't work on the internet ("Anyway eMail Extractor, as the product page says, is to process local documents, documents you have on your computer, not on the internet") and I pointed out the Help documentation says it does, and now you say it does, too. Good.

However, two of us still can't get it to work. What's the secret to extracting emails from a webpage? Dropping the URL onto the right spot doesn't work. Thanks!


Staff member
Copy and paste a URL or drag and drop it. The page will be downloaded and processed. If you get 0 addresses it is because the page doesn't contain any address. What page are you processing?