export encoding suggestion


May I suggest for a future version, that when one sets character encoding in the preferences, that the same character encoding be used as the default for exporting lists. I had simply assumed this to be so and then learnt the hard way that what I was exporting was not with the same character encoding as set in the preferences.


Staff member
Indeed, when you export entries, the export window has its own encoding pull-down menu. For 99,9% of the cases, keeping it as 'Default' is the best choice. 'Default' here means the Operating System default encoding. I don't think anybody will need to change the encoding except for very good and specific reasons, perhaps to use UTF-8.


Sorry but I don't really understand your reply. Where do you set the " Operating System default encoding" on a Mac? It's not under "text" in the system preferences or anywhere else that I can find.


Staff member
This is automatic depending on the language you select. For example you select Korean and default encoding will some kind of Korean encoding. You can't set the encoding another way (as far as I know)