exclude an specific list of recipients


New Member

I just purchased maxbulk mailer license and i'm migrating from Windows Groumail ...

What happens is that i have a huge list of customers and another list (exclusion list) of the ones that don't want to receive my emails anymore...

In MaxBulk, how can I filter my list of customers ?
How can I tell the program NOT to send to this exclusion list ?
or How can i set "unsubscribe" recipiet based on this exclusion list ?

How does this work ?

Help, please



Staff member
To remove several addresses from a list at once create a plain text file named 'DELETE', add all the addresses to remove to it, save it and drop it onto the list to process inside MaxBulk Mailer.

To unsubscribe several addresses from a list at once create a plain text file named 'UNSUBSCRIBE', add all the addresses to unsubscribe to it, save it and drop it onto the list to process inside MaxBulk Mailer.

In your case it is better to unsubscribe. Addresses are not deleted but marked as unsubscribed.


New Member
So far, I'm loving MaxBulk...Beeeeetter than GroupMail

How can MAxBulk automatically unsubscribe a recipient if he, for example, replies a message with the subject "UNSUBSCRIBE" ?