Error - You forget to provide the command


New Member
I'm trying to setup the MLM on a osx 10.6.4
using ftp and web-services from the os

after installing the MLM script without any error (( there was one confusing message during the installation by step4 that a file already exist in the folder ! ( folder has ben created during the installation and was empty !))

I get the an Error when I go to the statistic to a dispatch I did

Error - You forget to provide the command

strange thing is, that when I open the lm/lm_settings.php , there aren't the settings I set during the installation ?

any idea ?
thanks for helping


New Member
Re: Error - You forget to provide the command http://10.0.1.

I got it…
I've forgot to activate php on os x

sudo pico /etc/apache2/httpd.conf
LoadModule php5_module libexec/apache2/

now, how can I delete old test messages from the statistic ?


Staff member
Re: Error - You forget to provide the command http://10.0.1.

Good to know.

If you are using mySQL you can simply remove records from the mySQL MLM tables.


New Member
Re: Error - You forget to provide the command http://10.0.1.

I did the setup without mySQL - text only
how can I delete the entries ?


Staff member
Re: Error - You forget to provide the command http://10.0.1.

There is no reason to delete test entries since they are saved as test entries but you can go to the traffic folder and delete files there.