Error with import from database


This may sound stupid but I just ran another mail with 77 addresses and that one worked fine. So something must happen when it's for more

I can think of problems due to :
- something launching in the back (eg Time Machine)
- screen saver launching

Is that possible?

I could avoid the second one by leaving all on (even if that is the entire night for the big mails)


Staff member
Only sleeping mode would affect MaxBulk Mailer. It will make it stop. Time Machine and screensavers have no impact. I am thinking in adding come security code to check the data before using it.


I start to believe that it indeed has to do with sleeping mode as I again ran a mailing for 2400 and all went fine.
I didn't have the impression that the program stops when the sleeping mode sets in. So maybe it's worthwhile investigating if the data stays consistent when the computer goes in sleeping mode and building a security check as you suggest might avoid issues at all times (eg even when a computer would have memory issues or other issues it would stop if the imported data changes).

Really looking forward to this change (and the one with the change to the columns when importing from a database). As soon as that is done ... I'll be using this for all customers (currently still testing for 2 only)


Has a solution for this problem been found. Just sent out a mail to 12000 users and all data is again corrupt for all accounts. Have you looked into a data integrity check?


Staff member
Not yet. Actually you are the only user out of 60k with this problem. That doesn't mean I don't take this into consideration. I am almost done designing that security check. Once designed it will be added.


Thanks for your attention to this. One comment though: out of 60k, how many import from a database, over 10000 addresses and use the maximum of 20 fields to import ...


Staff member
I don't know but I am unsure of the relation between one thing and the other except of course a memory problem (full or corrupt). A memory problem would explain it all. I tried MaxBulk Mailer myself with 100'000 records and 20 fields but it wasn't a server import, it was a file import.


I definitely understand it's a hard problem to track. At the last mail on screen all still looks ok (in the "Recipients" part) but the emails that arrive show different data so the error happened in the merging.


Staff member
Yes, it is the hardest kind of issue to track because I can't even reproduce it here. I have some ideas to check the data when merging.


I am about to send another mail to 3000 email addresses including about 12 fields in the mail, using 2 IF statements and importing from a database mysql connection.

Is there anything I can pay attention to in order to make the chances for it to succeed as high as possible? Is there any printscreens that can help in your research?


Staff member
If the preview works correctly the sending should also work. Do you get he data merged properly in the Preview?


yes, the data in the recipients screen is correct and in the preview but I add some own email addresses in the database and when they arrive in the inbox, the data is all wrong


Staff member
Weird, the code used internally is identical, well, merging code is actually the same code used for both the preview and when sending, same code, same recipient handling and same recipient memory storage.


It is indeed weird
I can only think there is foreign characters eg ' or " doing this while merging them all as at one point the mails go wrong. It's unfortunately impossible to know at what point.


Staff member
It should not but if you can reproduce a merging problem on one single entry I would love to see it and of course I would fix it right away.


Now that I'm browsing more through the preview I actually DO notice that some of them are showing wrong info while the "Recipients" tab shows correct info. Unfortunately this means that I can't send the newsletter out :(