8/11 13:37:26 ~ Status: Connecting to server.domain.com (IMAP) Port: 143 Security: None
8/11 13:37:26 * OK Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 IMAP4 service ready
8/11 13:37:26 ~ Status: Connected to IMAP server
8/11 13:37:26 > A0001 LOGIN username**********************
8/11 13:37:26 A0001 BAD Command received in Invalid state.
Any suggestions? POP3 gives a similar error message. We use passphrases instead of passwords. Would that cause a problem with your software?
8/11 13:37:26 * OK Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 IMAP4 service ready
8/11 13:37:26 ~ Status: Connected to IMAP server
8/11 13:37:26 > A0001 LOGIN username**********************
8/11 13:37:26 A0001 BAD Command received in Invalid state.
Any suggestions? POP3 gives a similar error message. We use passphrases instead of passwords. Would that cause a problem with your software?