Error #500: Internal Server Error


New Member

When I click "statistics", check "delivery", below it shows up with error #500 (see attachment and below words). How to solve it?

The URL is not valid
Error #500: Internal Server Error
( ... s&pwd=M....)

I remember one particular thing during installation. There was one windows pop-up, saying one file already existing and offering four options "replace", "replace all", "abort", "skip". I click "replace". Maybe I should choose "skip"? Maybe this is the cause for 500 error?


Staff member
There is a problem with your server, you get a blank page rather than the MLM login page. Perhaps it is a problem with the 'lm' folder privileges.

MaxBulk Mailer built-in installer try to set the ‘lm’ folder privileges/permissions to 777, if it fails it will then try 775, 755 and 705. 777 use to work with most servers but not all. If you try to log into MLM with your browser using the lm.php URL (ex and you get an ‘Internal server Error’, that means your server doesn’t like the current permissions. If the installer failed to set the permissions, just CHMOD the ‘lm’ folder to 777 manually and try again. If it fails CHMOD the ‘lm’ folder to 775. If it still fails CHMOD the ‘lm’ folder to 755. If it still fails then CHMOD the ‘lm’ folder to 705. It should then work. You can CHMOD a folder with your FTP software. For example with FTP Disk connect to your server, select the ‘lm’ folder and either click on the ‘Get Info’ menu or use the Cmd-I on Mac OS or Ctrl-I on Windows. You will get a window with the file persmissions at the bottom. Write the new number next to ‘Unix:’ and clik on ‘Apply’.

I am not sure if that will fix your problem since you don't get an ‘Internal server Error’ but a blank page but you should try anyway.