#1 mysqli_connect( mysql.XXX.com, nzdswuhf_XXX, XXX, XXX )
-> Connection OK!
#2 mysql_select_db( nzdswuhf_MLM )
-> Database selection OK!
#3 mysqli_query( $mysql_link, $query )
-> Error running query
-> Check the server settings in lm_settings.php
#4 mysqli_query( $mysql_link, $query )
-> Error running query
-> Check the server settings in lm_settings.php
#5 mysqli_query( $mysql_link, $query )
-> Error running query
-> Check the server settings in lm_settings.php
#6 1 list(s), 0 recipient(s), 0 deliveries
-> No error found.
Lists (List Name | Total Recipients | Modification Date):
STILL: Errore #400: Bad Request (