Error #102 - The URL is not valid.


Staff member
The error means your server doesn't like the actual folder 'lm' access permissions. Just CHMOD the 'lm' folder to 775 and try again. If it still fail CHMOD the 'lm' folder to 755. If it still fail CHMOD the 'lm' folder to 705. It should then work. You can CHMOD a folder with your FTP software. By default the MLM installer uses 777.


That worked, thanks!

At least unsubscribes somewhat work again, I'm getting e-mail notifications of them which is fine in the short term, but I'm still trying to get our host to figure out the Error #102 problem.

This is our latest exchange on that:
Me: I think I may have some information about the .htaccess file, that is of importance. Someone else finally got this error with our mailing list manager program, and their .htaccess file contained the following. Once it was removed, everything worked fine. Can you look to see if these 3 lines are there? And if so, remove them?
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{HTTPS} off
RewriteRule (.*) https://%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI} [R=301,L]

Them: I've removed that entry in the .htaccess file for converting HTTP to HTTPS, but I'm not sure that's going to do the trick. I'm still investigating the suPHP 500 error as I think that is the root issue here.

I wish these people would alert us when they're going to change something, because it's clear when they do, it throws something off in MLM.



Staff member
Well, MLM works well with the right permission, are yo using mySQL for storing the data? Have you ran the MLM diagnostics, what do you get?


Unfortunately no, we are not using sql because our site is so unstable until the upcoming redesign, it's safest to just use text lists for now.


Three posts above indicates I've already involved our host and their support. They still insist the issue is not on their end and just had the audacity to say the case has been resolved.

I'm going to have to get them on this board and perhaps they can glean something, because I cannot have this Error #102 business going on. We need the unsubscribe functionality and statistics.