Erreur #500 : Internal Server Error


New Member
Hi Stan,

I tried to chmod the LM folder in every suggested ways but still without success ! I keep on having the internal server address error.

Could you please precise once again what should the correct path be to target the lm.php file ?

Thanks. Luc


Staff member
I can't respond that question because only you is able to know that. The path of MLM is the path you have selected when you have uploaded MLM, something like http://PATH/lm/lm.php

What permissions have you tried with your lm folder, 777, 775 and 755?


New Member
Hi Stan,

I was just asking to get the "usual" path when the lm folder is upload to a ftp server..

Anyway, yes, I tried 777, 775, 755 and the answer is still the same.


Staff member
There is no usual path, it is your domain name + the path you have selected + /lm/lm.php

About your error, have you tried to contact your server support?