Enter transactions from scheduler?


New Member
How do I select and enter items to transactions from the scheduler? I pay several ahead of time or may wait till a day after and noticed it just disappears.....



Staff member
Transactions on the scheduler are added automatically. Are those transactions added?


New Member
You have the scheduler but I tend to pay batches at one time. When I click on an item I see no options to enter that transaction now... If I change the reoccurring scheduled item it would defeat the purpose. I guess what I am hearing that this can't be done. :cry:


Staff member
I am not sure if it can't be done actually. Why do you think the scheduler can't perform what you are asking?


New Member
I assume this because I have tried every intuitive method, highlighted a scheduled item and methodically went through every menu item, tried right clicking, and yes looked at the documentation.

Thought I could get a yes or no here / and if yes, how?

But I get "Not sure if this can be done?"

I am trying to move on from Quicken and this is the only feature I see in this otherwise well rounded software that I would definitely need. I am off in search of others.

Thanks for your time


Staff member
Have you opened the scheduler? (Press the scheduler button on the toolbar) then add a new scheduled transaction. What I don't know is if the type of transaction you want to add is contemplated in that dialog. Can you tell me if it is or not? If not, why?


New Member
I understand what relewis is trying to do but I don't think the facility is available. He has a transaction set up in Scheduler that he wants to remain for the future but sometimes he would like to pay it ahead of the scheduled time. What he wants is a "Pay now" button that makes the current payment but the schedule just moves forward to the next programmed date.
Hope this helps.



Staff member
Ok, so a "Pay now" button on the scheduler list window so you can select a scheduled transaction, press that button, get the scheduled transaction added right away and the scheduled transaction re-programmed for next scheduled date. Do I understand well?


New Member
Yes, I am sure that is what relewis is after, are you able to email him/her to check. In any case I think this would be a useful addition for all icash users.



New Member
I see an "add now" in the context menu of an scheduled transaction.
If I select it, it shows up an calender (without months). By clicking ok the selected transaction is not "booked", but duplicated to the next scheduled time.

So did you actually build in this feature? And if yes...is my handling wrong or might this be a bug?



Staff member
The 'Add now' menu enter the scheduled transaction at the day you set and then reschedule the transaction. I have tried right now in my own accounting file and it works as expected.