Embedded code problem


New Member
I use an embedded code as part of my message. It is perfect in the web browsers but is an empty space in entaurage. When I click on the empty space a box about the size of the embedded object appears, but I can't do anything with it.

Hee is a sample of the embedded code.

<!--Embed Link--> <embed src="http://static.growingbolder.com/vplayer/flvplayer.swf" width="450" height="255" allowfullscreen="true" flashvars="width=450&file=http://fserv.growingbolder.com/0/0/273/273095-o.flv&autostart=false&shuffle=false&height=255&displayheight=255&image=http://fserv.growingbolder.com/0/0/273/273201-450.jpg&allowfullscreen=true&allowscriptaccess=always&repeat=false&overstretch=fit&volume=95&id=273095&callback=http://fserv.growingbolder.com/played/" />[/code]


Staff member
Actually Mail Readers can execute all the code a Web Browser can. Not everything is supported. I guess it is the problem here.