emails not coming back


Hello from Victoria, Canada

I'm writing to ask a technical question.

We are a small group of teachers that provide current events materials to schools. We have a number of publications and we use MBM to send out notifications when the issues are available on our website for educators to download. In the past few months we have been noticing some strange goings on.

By way of example, a teacher subscribes to two of our magazines (that come out at different times). One email that we send goes through (to a good email address), but a second email to the same email address a few days later goes AWOL?

Over the years, emails that did not get delivered bounced back to us and we were able to contact the customer to try and resolve the problem. Over the past year or so, we have noticed the number of bounce backs has fallen off dramatically, but teachers are calling us weeks after the issue is out saying they have not received our email notification.

The only difference is one email is from ‚Äò[email protected]‚Äô and the other is from ‚Äò[email protected]‚Äô Could something like this make a difference? Also, I know that many school districts have firewalls and other types of security and I know this can complicate things.

Anyone out there who can provide any suggestions? Are there any settings on MBM that can be changed to increase the delivery rate of good emails?

Thanks in advance for your time.

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Eric Wieczorek
LesPlan Educational Services Ltd.
638 Lambie Drive
Victoria, B.C. Canada


Staff member
Bounces are created by the recipient mail server and send to the address that sent the message. The very only thing you can alter with MaxBulk Mailer is the address where those bounces have to be sent. It is the 'Errors' field. You should have a try.