Emails Being Blocked by Spam Filters?


New Member
Using MaxBulk Mailer I have sent out around 900 emails to my distribution list. Using MLM I can tell that 165 of these emails have been opened and action taken on them. How do I know what happened with the other 735? I didn't get any bounce backs on them. Is there a way to tell if the email was even delivered? Thanks!


Staff member
How much time have you waited? Indeed a message can be placed in the recipient junk folder. With most email readers opening a message from that folder will not be accounted as an opening.


New Member there is a chance that it was received and opened and wasn't registered in MLM as it being opened? Is there some way I can figure out if it was received?


Staff member
Yes, a message can be opened and read from the junk folder but it will not be accounted in the statistics. There is no way to know anything about a message that has been read from the junk folder.