eMail Verifier running verrry slow...


New Member
I understand that it won't go at the same speed all the time, but there is a pretty big difference between 1 email per second and the over 10 emails per second that this program is claimed to be able to do.

I would also like to know a few other things:

1) Will setting the group parameter higher than 25 make a difference?

2) What does it mean when the result column says "Scanning"? Does that have to do with anti-virus software?

3) Will shutting down my firewall and anti-virus program speed things up? If so, there should be a way to work around this, as leaving your computer unprotected is not good.

4) Why does the checking of the servers only stay just a little bit ahead of the actual results of the email addresses? I know you said this is the slowest part, but it never gets very far ahead of the checking of the addresses.

I appreciate your help in answering my questions. Like I said before, though, I don't understand how a program can go this slow when its claim is to go so much faster. I understand the different factors involved, but this seems like a program for very small email lists, not for anything very significant. If this can't go faster than 1 email per second (if I'm lucky) on a fast computer with a fast connection, that's very disappointing.


Staff member
#1 - Don't use a too high number. 25 or lower. In fact it can make a big difference.

#2 - No. It is when eMail Verifier is performing the test.

#3 - Yes, only the part of your anti-virus that checks outgoing messages or that checks port 25 traffic.

#4 - Because DNS lookup takes all resources. Once they are all done, the second part will be much faster.

About your last comment, how do you want eMail Verifier to go faster than the responses it gets from servers? I have tested myself lists of up to 100,000 entries without problems. It can be fast or slow depending on the server it connects to but what is important is the quality of the results not the speed.


New Member
Thank you again for answering my questions. I understand you can't do anything about how long it takes to connect to a server, but what is upsetting is how the claim is that this program can do over 10 emails per second. Even when I attempt a list of only 5,000 addresses, I'm lucky if it can get through 1 email per second. For instance, with a list of about 100,000 addresses (which you say you used), I let the program run overnight with all the settings you mentioned and it only managed to go through about 4,000 addresses in a little over 8 hours. That's an average of a measley 0.14 emails per second! That's quite ridiculous given the claim of this program, especially when it's running overnight when the servers aren't as busy. When you say you did a list of 100,000 addresses with no problems, how fast did it go for you and how long did it take to go through a list like that?

I'm sorry I'm sounding upset, but I've tried all the things you have mentioned and the speed stays the same. It seems like there is something that is missing here. I am using a router also, but I wouldn't think that would be the difference. Again I appreciate the help and hope you can help me get this running faster.


Staff member
If I remember well the last test I made with the 100k list I get around 3 e-mails checked per second. It took a whole night. Resolving 100.000 addresses and connecting to 100.000 servers is a huge task. It is always recommended to split the list into smaller chunks and text only one list per day.

Today I have made another test with a 5k list and I get 2 e-mails checked per second. It took 42 minutes for eMail Verifier to check that 5k list. So for a 100k list it should take 42*20=840=14 hours.

Your timings are in fact very deficient. Right now I don't know the reason. Perhaps your list has a very poor quality and as a result eMail Verifier has more trouble to go thru it.

Right now email Verifier is able to use up to 10 threads. We could try to make 25 available. It might be 2.5 faster.


New Member
Could the problem be that my ISP is Mediacom? They are said to block port 25 and, like I mentioned before, I did the test to see if that port was blocked and it is, but eMail Verifier still seems to work, just very, very slow. Is it actually working, or just acting like it and could this be the problem? Just a thought.


Staff member
Actually eMail Verifier is completely unable to work without the port 25 fully open. If port 25 is closed you will be able to lookup domains but all SMTP transactions will timeout one after the other. In fact, that can take forever as the timeout time is set to 10 seconds. Only addresses filtered thru the rules will show a result. Perhaps it is what you are seeing.


New Member
Port 25 is blocked, but it is still checking the addresses just fine (without timeouts), even the ones that aren't automatically validated by the rules. Not sure how it is doing it, but it is. How can that be?


Staff member
I would say it is impossible. It would be like entering a single-door room without opening the door. Are you sure port 25 is blocked?


New Member
Like I mentioned earlier, I did the check that is given in the FAQ section for the program here. The result was that it is blocked and I've done other research and seen that Mediacom is known to block that port. For some reason it is working though.

I also wanted to ask you what domains do you typically have listed in the rules section. I only have what the program defaults to. Maybe your rules list is bigger than that and that is why you get better results than me and are able to get through your lists quicker. Just another thought. If you could provide a list that would be great.


Staff member
I actually use the default rules as you do. I am using eMail Verifier in the same conditions.

Yesterday I added the possibility to use 25 and 50 threads. Right now you are limited to 10. This is what I get now when testing a 600 recipient list:

10 threads -> 5:22 -> 2 addresses per second.
25 threads -> 3:16 -> 3 addresses per second.
50 threads -> 2:57 -> 3.5 addresses per second.

This is 45% faster. This new version will be available next week.