EBH not summing + adding emails not on lists


New Member
Funny things are happening. Email Bounce Handler is not summing the number of bounces, but contrary to other user's glitches, it adds emails that I don't have on any of my lists. (Could I have hit the reset button by mistake?) I'm sending an organic food supply newsletter out, and am getting bounces from garage and automobile-related businesses which are definitely not on my lists (apart from the normal list bounces). The list is small, only 2000 so it's easy to check. Where is EBH getting these addresses from? You may have inadvertently invented a new way to cull emails! I'm located in Catalonia and the emails are sent to all over Spain. - Thanks

PS Using version 3.8 ES


Staff member
The addresses are extracted from the bounces, the DSN record if present (most of the cases) or the bounce headers. What kind of addresses are you getting?


New Member
Hi Stan,
Some background: Up to now I had been using an older version of EBH and had the tendency to use it at the same time as the mailings being done - for example checking every 10 minutes to pick up the bounces on lists of about 8,000 addresses. There was never any trouble with this, the bounces added up perfectly and there didn't seem to be any interference between MBM and EBH. I have used the new version of EBH anticipating the same behavior (on my shorter list) but perhaps that triggered the error for the not summing up of the bounces. No double emails though.

The curious aspect was that I have received quite a few bounces from businesses related to the automobile industry, which have never been on my lists and on my computer in any way. I could assume that some spammer had decided to use my "from" address as their own, and perhaps they were spamming the Spanish automobile industry, with their bounces coinciding in time with my bounces - both arriving in my mailbox. But this is too coincidental because after EBH deleting the bounces from the server, I've had no more bounces. In any case I recovered last week's "real" bounces and I'll be sure not to work EBH and MBM simultaneously. As the bounces were deleted I can't see the headers to give you any details unless they are recorded in EBH somewhere I don't know. I'll let you know if the same mystery bounce addresses show up next week for the next mailing.