Don't see Stats after delivery.


After email delivery is sent to 1700 I don't see any stats like I have before in previous lists.

After 145 sent, I decided to stop it.

The MB Delivery docket says MLM Click is Activated.

Nothing there showed any problems.

I tried to upload it to the server however it says this..

List(s) 'Lonnie Lee Starlite Records 2020 XMAS' uploaded successfully

The file 'Lonnie Lee Starlite Records 2020 XMAS.mbm' has been uploaded to the list(s) 'Lonnie Lee Starlite Records 2020 XMAS' successfully.

0 email address(es) were added to Lonnie Lee Starlite Records 2020 XMAS. We found 0 duplicate(s) and 1739 bad address(es).:


So it seems nothing is uploaded. A bit confused now although going over tutor again.

How can I see if the upload was completed?

This is the diagnose......

MLM 3.1.7 diagnose ran on 2020-12-06 at 00:23:14

request_uri =
working_directory = /home/starreco/public_html/lm

mailqueue permissions = 0755
sqlqueue permissions = 0755
uploads permissions = 0777
imports permissions = 0755
templates permissions = 0755

requests permissions = 0755
lists permissions = 0755
localreq permissions = 0755
traffic permissions = 0755
by_delivery permissions = 0755
by_recipient permissions = 0755
3 list(s), 68 recipient(s), 21 deliveries

I have just noticed that the titles FIRST NAME has been replaced by an email address.
Not sure how or how to correct it.
Maxbulk- Bad title.JPG
Last edited:


Staff member
If you upload an external list make sure the format is:
firstname<tab>lastname<tab>Company<tab>Email Address

If you upload a MaxBulk Mailer existing list this is automatic.

You can fix your last problem by renaming the tags/columns ('File ▸ Edit▸Rename Tags' menu)


Thank you Stan. I changed the Title to First Name again.
I am still having probs uploading list to MLM.

The diag says..

working_directory = /home/starreco/public_html/newlm/lm
mailqueue permissions = 0755
sqlqueue permissions = 0755
uploads permissions = 0777
imports permissions = 0755
templates permissions = 0755

#1 mysqli_connect( localhost, webmaster, Password, Max2020 )
-> Connection error :) )
-> Check your server address and credentials in lm_settings.php

and Get Info..

Error - An error occurred when trying to get information about the server.
[: ]

I have checked on the server via phpMyAdmin and theer is no dbase of that name.

Do I have to create a dbase on server, before creating new MLM?

I think maybe it best I delete and start again.
To do this do I just delete all refs to MLM on server and reboot Max Bulk program then create MLM?



Staff member
Yes. You have to create the database, MLM will then create all the MySQL tables automatically.

You have to log into your web console and create a database with an account. You usually do both at the same time.

Then use the database name, account name, and password with MLM. MLM will actually ask for that info during the installation.