Displaying html as code in a message?


New Member
How can I show a snippet of code in an email message as code?

I want to actually show the html code itself as text, and not have MaxBulk Mailer render the code in the email window.

Is there a <code> tag that will make that work?



New Member
what he said

As a newbie here, I speak out of blissful ignorance. Just wondered if you could insert the code as a quote. You know, with each line introduced by ">".

The other thing I just might try (if I was waiting for, say, church to start) might be to make it a HTML comment: <!-- code here? -->

OK, I'm through muddying the water (is that what they drink at bluegrass events?). Time for someone to offer a real answer...


Staff member
MaxBulk Mailer is set to interpret and use the HTML code you paste in your styled text message. I think the only way to avoid that would be replacing all the '<' and '>' with '&lt;' and '&gt;' respectively. If you paste your HTML code to Dreamweaver in layout mode and switch to source mode you will get everything converted for you automatically. If you do not have a web page editor then use a text editor and replace those characters manually.