Differences b/t trial and full version


New Member
Sorry if this was on a previous thread, but I did a search and couldn't find a full answer. My question: What are the differences between the 30-day trial version and the full version? Also, does the trial version show the "pro" version options? I am looking to be able to BCC 1000 people at a time. ie. I have a list of 5000 recipients, and I only want to send a total of 5 e-mails @ 1000 Bcc'd e-mails each (is this possible). I do have the intent of purchasing this software, but I'd like to know these details before purchasing. Thank you!!


Staff member
The trial version has a text footer added to all outgoing messages and is limited to 100 deliveries. The Trial version is the Pro demo indeed. About your last question, why do you want to do that Bcc thing?


New Member
I was under the impression that if I BCC, I didn't want to bog down our exchange server. Almost every recipient on our list is on the same domain (ie @mycompany.com) but not the same exchange server as ours.


Staff member
I don't think it makes any difference as the server will have to send as many e-mails as the Bcced addresses.