default language installation


New Member
This is actually a pre-sales question:

I downloaded what I thought was the English version of Maxbulk Mailer from the English language part of the website but since I'm in Spain it seems that your site has a default setting to match the language version to the country the IP is coming from. After installation everything was in Spanish and I'ld prefer it in English. How do I get around this?

A second question is if the English version will support our (Spanish) specific characters as I will be sending in Spanish, or is that set by specifying ISO 8859-1 or 15 and is independent of the language version of the program.

Thanks for your time, I'm looking forwards to purchasing Max Bulk Mailer and eMail Bounce Handler and using these programs.


Staff member
Select MaxBulk Mailer, right click its icon, select 'Show Package Contents', open 'Contents', open 'Resources', drag and drop 'es.lproj' to the trash or somewhere else and finally rename 'en.lproj' to 'es.lproj'. Once done close all windows and launch MaxBulk Mailer, it should be in English.

About your second question, yes, localization is totally independent of encodings. You can use ISO 8859-1 or 15 as usual.


New Member
Thanks Stan,
At first I couldn't figure out what you were saying, but then I realized it would have been the procedure for a Mac user. I did the equivalent for Windows and it worked out pretty well, just renamed the files.

I've purchased the Email package for our Foundation, and am looking forwards to easily (finally!) managing my lists.



Staff member
Oh yes, sorry! The procedure is indeed very similar on Windows. The only difference is that languages are in the 'Resources' directory inside the application directory.