Database upgrade problem in 3.1.1


New Member
I've just upgraded to version 3.1.1. When I first ran it, I got a message that the document needed to be upgraded to the current iCash version. I clicked OK. However, I now discover that I get this dialog every single time I open the document. How do I get it to stop? If I start iCash and then go to File/Open, I don't get the dialog but I always get it when I double-click the document or single-click it on the dock (which is where I want to keep it).


New Member
Yes, that's exactly what I was trying to describe - if I first run iCash and then go to the File/Open menu, I can open it without the dialog. But I should be able to simply double-click the document or its alias - I don't want to have to navigate through Finder to get to the file. And surely it should only be upgraded the one time.


New Member
One other alarming thing I've noticed is that the file size has leapt from 1.2MB to 4MB. How is this possible? I have only added 2 transactions since upgrading.


Staff member
iCash 3.1 uses a new engine version that saves data as Unicode. Previous version empty file was around 1.2 Mb. Current version empty file is now around 4 Mb because of that. It has nothing to do with the transactions you have added. It is just that minimum size of the file has changed.


New Member
Glad to hear the file size is nothing to worry about.

Is there a fix for the upgrade database dialog box that appears whenever I try to open a document?


Staff member
Have you tried to load that file dropping it over iCash application? By the way, make sure you only have one version of iCash on your system and that your file is not locked. Also you can try using v3.1.2 we have released today.

If the problem persists, open your file, export it as XML and then select import form XML. That will create a new fresh file.


New Member
I can open the file fine by dropping on the application. In any case, I downloaded and installed 3.1.2 and now all is well. I think, in fact, that iCash was getting confused about which file was being opened; there seem to be a lot of backup files plus 'old files' created when the program was upgraded to 3.1.1. A Spotlight search revealed rather a lot of files with the same name, all but one being copies created by iCash. Opening them in turn revealed which was the latest 'true' file (I was able to use the final balance to determine this) so I deleted the others and order is now restored. Thanks for the help.

BTW, is there anywhere to see at a glance what is new in each version?


Staff member
All those files are back-ups. iCash maintain last 25 versions of all your documents. It is explaned here. In addition iCash create a copy of the files you convert when using v3.1 or higher in case something goes wrong.

You can see what's new here