Cut-off date, option to change?


New Member
Hi, I'm a new iCash user!

I wonder if you can change the cut-off date for the months of iCash? As it is now the cut-off date is the last day of each month. I would like to be able to adjust it as needed, for example, put the 26th as cut-off date, and then all the reports etc, are adjusted accordingly. Ie if I select January, the 27th December to 26th January should be shown.


Staff member
:-( I don't understand what a cut-off date is, even after reading your message several time. Can you explain in an other way?


New Member
Okey, sorry, I'll try to explain.

If I put it in context... I receive my salary the 27:th each month. That means, in all reports, when I chose to show information per month (Januari, Februari, Mars ans so on) my salary income will be added to the month that "has passed", and all the actual expenses will be added to the month after. Say I get my salary 27/1, that will show on January, but all the majority of the expenses payed with that salary will be paid from 1/2 and after, thous showing up on February.

With cut-off date, you can change so you say "month" change on 26:th instead of the 1:st every month. So all account actions will be calculated in
January 27/12 - 26/1
February 27/1 - 26/2
Mars 27/2 - 26/3

Hope I made myself a bit clearer. :)


New Member
Well, that would make sense, as it is on the reports that you track balance and so on. Maybe also with the graphs. But actualy it dosent mater where you put it.

Maybe put it here...


Staff member
So the preference entries would be:

Fiscal year starts on: xxxxxxx
Start week on: xxxxx
Start month on: xxxxxx


Fiscal year starts on: January
Start week on: Monday
Start month on: 26


This is feasible but on reports only I believe. Lots of SQL queries would need to be modified.


New Member
Sorry for late answer.

I think what you describe sounds great.

And yes, reports is the main target for these feature.

I really appreciate you taking your time to look into these feature! Thanks!


New Member
stanbusk said:
I wrote a project about it following your instructions.

Sorry for not checking back on the request. How do you mean "wrote a project about it"? I don't understand? Sorry... :(


Staff member
A project is like a peace of paper where a feature request is exposed along with possible implementations. When a project is ready it is implemented.


New Member
Okey, then I get it, I thought it was something that was implemented into iCash now, sorry! Looking forward to any update regarding the request. Thanks for your continued work on iCash.