I'm trying to get my MoneyBook for iPhone synchronised with iCash on my Mac and I've experienced some issues with importing. I use russian version, so I'm not sure if I give you the right names of fields, so I'll give you the russian translation aswell.
Here are my settings.
- I'm using "Bank statement" import (in Russian: –í—ã–ø–∏—Å–∫–∞ –ø–æ —Å—á–µ—Ç—É)
- Bank account (–ë–∞–Ω–∫–æ–≤—Å–∫–∏–π —Å—á–µ—Ç): Cash
- Default account (–ù–∞ —Å—á–µ—Ç –ø–æ —É–º–æ–ª—á–∞–Ω–∏—é): Other expenses (–ü—Ä–æ—á–∏–µ —Ä–∞—Å—Ö–æ–¥—ã)
- Delimiter (–†–∞–∑–¥–µ–ª–∏—Ç–µ–ª—å): Semi (–¢–æ—á–∫–∞ —Å –∑–∞–ø—è—Ç–æ–π)
- Encoding (–ö–æ–¥–∏—Ä–æ–≤–∫–∞): None (–ù–µ—Ç)
I tried to change the original file to make it more clear for iCash, but with that kind of time expenses, import feature becomes useless. I attached both original and adjusted files to the post.
Fields I have in my CSV:
- Date
- Type
- Category (Account)
- Amount
- Note (Comment)
Issue No. 1. As you can see I have no "Source account" field. So I set the Bank account in settings to "Cash", but it is ignored. Instead of using "Bank acocunt" as Source, it uses "Default acocunt" from Settings.
Issue No. 2. There is no option to connect different names of categories (accounts). E.g. I have "Shopping" category in MoneyBook and I use it fro Grocery in iCash. How am I supposed to deal with this?
Issue No. 3. Type of transaction in CSV is Expenses (notice the ending "s"), and the title of the same type in iCash is Expense. I could run a search-replace in Excel which I would like to avoid of course, but after that, it is still ignored. So Income (–î–æ—Ö–æ–¥) is reconised correctly, and Expense (–†–∞—Å—Ö–æ–¥) is still igonred.
Issue No.4. Rules don't work. I could imagine, that I correct the names of categories with rules. But they are completely ignored. I think this is language issue. In the meanwhile all titles including the comments are pisplayed properly in the preview window. Notice that most of comments are empty, because I don't feel like I should spend precious seconds after paying a couple of € to type in the comment, which will probably repeat the name of the category.
Issue No. 5. If dates in CSV are in format 01.09.10 and not in format 01.09.2010, dates get moved somehow. That way I got dates after 28.09.10 moved to 1st, 2d and so on in October. Why don't you just make format setting like DD.MM.YY like text input?
I'm trying to get my MoneyBook for iPhone synchronised with iCash on my Mac and I've experienced some issues with importing. I use russian version, so I'm not sure if I give you the right names of fields, so I'll give you the russian translation aswell.
Here are my settings.
- I'm using "Bank statement" import (in Russian: –í—ã–ø–∏—Å–∫–∞ –ø–æ —Å—á–µ—Ç—É)
- Bank account (–ë–∞–Ω–∫–æ–≤—Å–∫–∏–π —Å—á–µ—Ç): Cash
- Default account (–ù–∞ —Å—á–µ—Ç –ø–æ —É–º–æ–ª—á–∞–Ω–∏—é): Other expenses (–ü—Ä–æ—á–∏–µ —Ä–∞—Å—Ö–æ–¥—ã)
- Delimiter (–†–∞–∑–¥–µ–ª–∏—Ç–µ–ª—å): Semi (–¢–æ—á–∫–∞ —Å –∑–∞–ø—è—Ç–æ–π)
- Encoding (–ö–æ–¥–∏—Ä–æ–≤–∫–∞): None (–ù–µ—Ç)
I tried to change the original file to make it more clear for iCash, but with that kind of time expenses, import feature becomes useless. I attached both original and adjusted files to the post.
Fields I have in my CSV:
- Date
- Type
- Category (Account)
- Amount
- Note (Comment)
Issue No. 1. As you can see I have no "Source account" field. So I set the Bank account in settings to "Cash", but it is ignored. Instead of using "Bank acocunt" as Source, it uses "Default acocunt" from Settings.
Issue No. 2. There is no option to connect different names of categories (accounts). E.g. I have "Shopping" category in MoneyBook and I use it fro Grocery in iCash. How am I supposed to deal with this?
Issue No. 3. Type of transaction in CSV is Expenses (notice the ending "s"), and the title of the same type in iCash is Expense. I could run a search-replace in Excel which I would like to avoid of course, but after that, it is still ignored. So Income (–î–æ—Ö–æ–¥) is reconised correctly, and Expense (–†–∞—Å—Ö–æ–¥) is still igonred.
Issue No.4. Rules don't work. I could imagine, that I correct the names of categories with rules. But they are completely ignored. I think this is language issue. In the meanwhile all titles including the comments are pisplayed properly in the preview window. Notice that most of comments are empty, because I don't feel like I should spend precious seconds after paying a couple of € to type in the comment, which will probably repeat the name of the category.
Issue No. 5. If dates in CSV are in format 01.09.10 and not in format 01.09.2010, dates get moved somehow. That way I got dates after 28.09.10 moved to 1st, 2d and so on in October. Why don't you just make format setting like DD.MM.YY like text input?