CSV import fails - everything lines up, nothing imports


New Member
I've got a CSV file which will not import without receiving the error "No recipients have been added to the selected list"...I've attached a screen shot of the full error dialog to this post.

I've also attached screen shots of the field selection and demonstrate that I have email lined up with email fields and the example data fields clearly show a valid email address in the email field.

The help offered in the dialog was unhelpful. Everything appears to be perfectly aligned and configured to import. It's obviously finding an error, but it is not specific about why it's failing. The suggestions for fixing it have been reviewed and there is no error (email address field alignment, etc.)

I've tried setting "Update", "Overwrite", "Append", but none of those options change the outcome. This is MaxBulk Mailer SE 8.4.3-US.

This should be such a simple thing - it's failing badly because it does not leave me with actionable ways to address the issue and doesn't specifically say what the issue is.

Any suggestions for a way forward would be appreciated.


Staff member
The file email address field has to be in front of MaxBulk Mailer 'E-mail Address' field. This is the reason why it doesn't work.


New Member
Thank you for the response. As this is my first time through this import process (obviously), the part that wasn't clear to me was that I wasn't allowed to designate any field of mine as the one to interpret as the email address without having to associate it with the "Email address field".

I know that sounds dumb, but I've used numerous import mechanisms on similar types of packages that allow you to explicitly set which fieldname should be interpreted as email and you call the field whatever you want - and the error message, had it stated what you stated above would have helped.

Regardless, I see now my gap in thinking. Thank you for pointing out the solution. I was able to import thereafter.