Credit cards: Liabilities/Expenses 2


New Member
My Credit Card Accounts are set up under 'Liabilities'.
So, when I do a Query for 'Expenses' the amount due on the CC monthly statement does not appear.
I would like to see the monthly statement due together with other upcoming expenses (this relates to previous post, Credit cards: Liabilities/Expenses 1).
Is there a way to do that?


New Member
Credit cards: Liabilities/Expenses 3

Looking again at the Query, I see that what is charged to the CC appears as Unreconciled Expense. Fine.
However, sometimes a charge to a CC will only appear on the statement a couple of months later.
It would suit me better to see the Transaction entered with the CC account as Target under Expenses. If that would be possible.


Staff member
You need to enter two transactions actually. One for the expense and one for the card repayment.


New Member
Credit cards: Liabilities/Expenses 1

I'm not sure I understand:
1. I enter a transaction when I charge the CC (Origin Acc: CC)
2. I enter another transaction when I receive the CC statement (Target Acc: CC), the total of the various transactions entered as described above in 1.
Would you clarify?


Staff member
1. I enter a transaction when I charge the CC (Origin Acc: CC)
Yes, a transaction from the CC to the expense account.

2. I enter another transaction when I receive the CC statement (Target Acc: CC), the total of the various transactions entered as described above in 1.
Yes, a transaction from your bank account to the CC account.


New Member
This is exactly what I have been doing all along, but the 'Expense' transaction Origin Bank to Target CC does NOT appear under 'Expenses' in a Query, whereas the transactions which appear are those with Origin CC to Target X (Charges to the Credit card).
Would it not be better if I sent you this in images? How would I do that? From your answer I get the feeling I have not written what I really want to say!


Staff member
Is the target account an expense account? If so, when doing a query are you looking for target account?

You can add pictures by uploading them to your web server (if you have one). Or open a support ticket and attach the pictures to it.