I use two Credit cards, both Mastercard (MCAB & MCHGr) but attached to different banks. Both are paid fully at the end of each month, meaning I use them as I would a check. They are set up as Type : Liability / Category : credit card. They appear with a yellow dot in the Accounts listing. One Bank is Checking, the other Savings Acc. though both function as a checking accounts.
1. I enter the amount charged to the credit card as follows:
Transaction Type : card payment or transfer or direct billing;
Origin Account : the Credit card
Target Account : category of expense involved
2. When the monthly statement arrives, I enter as follows:
Transaction Type : transfer or direct billing
Origin Account : the Bank
Target Account : the Credit card
I would expect 1. to be a neutral transaction and 2. an expense.
They both register as Expense (red dots), therefore falsifying the end result: an overdraft when there is none.