Creating mass Personalize email


New Member
Does anyone know if MaxBulk mailer can do bulk personalize email? I am researching softwares for my compnay and this is the one I am considering however I need to know if it can do personalize email..
example: I have to send 100+ bulk emails to subscribers and want each email personalize like:

Dear, John (etc)

(I dont want to have to input each name manually)
is there a way for MaxBulk Mailer to pull the First Name and personalize each email.

I have downloaded the trial and will test it out, hopefully it does because it looks pretty easy and straight forward to use.

Any help will be appreciated.


Potential customer.

Nevermind.. I just tested it out and it does personalize email..
This is so cool..

thanks.. awesome software


Staff member
Yes, you can do that. You go a step further and use a conditional statement for cases you don't have the name and want to use something generic like 'Dear Friend' for example.


New Member
Hello. I followed the link to the explanation of tags, but I didn't see anything about conditional uses. I'm already using the [Firstname] tag in my emails, so if the database has the user's first name it will say something like "Hi, John, welcome to this months' newsletter". I'd also like to be able to have the conditional alternative of "Hi, Friend, welcome..." if the first name isn't in the database.


New Member
I'd also like to be able to personalize the various confirmation emails the user gets when they un/subscribe. Also conditionally as above.


Staff member
Hi [Firstname|Friends],
It is the tag identifier and the alternative text (in case there is no data) separated with a '|' character. This is the fastest way to do that. You can also use a conditional statement. The equivalent would be
<IF [[Firstname]] <> "">Dear [Firstname],<ELSE>Dear Friend,</IF>