Creating an invoice


New Member
I really like iCash but I am looking at a feature which is crucial for me - creating invoices which can be printed out with a nice logo.

Is there any way to do this?

Thanks Petra

Anne Elliot

New Member
Suggestions for invoice programme?

I was also looking for the invoice feature. I hope that option will be included in the future.

1. Does anyone have suggestions for what I could use in the meantime?

2. How do I enter a sale record that has not yet been paid (not having the invoice function to indicate that)?

Thanks, Anne


New Member
I have been using MacFreelance for this purpose, and find it pretty useful. The interface isn't nearly as intuitive as iCash, but it makes solid Invoices once you figure it out. You can use it for keeping track of time, or for fixed rate items, and it clearly shows what invoices are outstanding.

I personally like keeping it separate from the accounting software as it by itself is a fairly complex process. However, it could be useful to have them connected.

Anne Elliot

New Member
Thank you, RocketScience. I checked out MacFreelance and was a little overwhlemed by the negative feedback. However, I did download a trial copy. In one review response Billings 3 was mentioned as that person's preferred application. I have given that a single try but will need to "apply myself" a little more before I know if it will work for me.