Create a Remote List and load existing recipients - how?


New Member
Hi I started out with a local recipients list and now want to make it remote. I've spent some fruitless time trying to create the remote List in MAX itself but this is not working at all. Do I have to create the text file and upload it myself or, in mySQL, do I have to create the list remotely (ie not through MAX itself) and then upload the data?

Sorry, but the manual is vague on the process required to transfer existing recipients from a local to a remote file.


Staff member
You just need to use the

'YOUR_WEB_SITE ADDRESS/mlm/html/upload_list.php' with your browser.


New Member
I'm getting errors for each field on the Upload form like this:
Notice: Undefined variable: email in /mywebsite/mlm/html/upload_list.php on line 71
value="" />
What do I need to do about them?

Also, it implies that I have to export from MAX and then upload the text file. True?


Staff member
Replace line 71:

<td height="24"><input type="text" name="pwd" size="30" <?php echo " value=\"$email\""; ?> /> </td>


<td height="24"><input type="password" name="pwd" size="30" value=""/> </td>

You can import any list as long as it is a tab delimited list and it contains at least the 'First name', 'Last name', 'Company' and 'Email address' fields.


New Member
If that's the case then it seems I need to edit the whole file for every field as they all have similar errors. Maybe you have the updated file available already or is the fix specific to my situation?
Notice: Undefined variable: lastname in /mywebsite/mlm/html/upload_list.php on line 89
value="" /> Required
Notice: Undefined variable: cmd in /mywebsite/mlm/html/upload_list.php on line 98
checked="checked" checked="checked" /> Append
Notice: Undefined variable: cmd in /mywebsite/mlm/html/upload_list.php on line 98
/> Overwrite