Ok, I changed my download folder from 'D:\zzzzzzzzzz' to 'C:\Users\<<my username>>\Desktop\dump' \. Also, I use AVG. Let me turn off AVG and see if the problem persists with the antivirus off and new download folder. (I originally had the download folder on another internal hard drive that the program wasn't installed on.... it sometimes makes it easier on the program to read from one disk and write to another, I thought)
to make this simple I will just make a single post.
Still crashing... I tested "http://impawards.com" with all default settings, except for my desktop download folder, and it ran for about 45 seconds and crashed, with 40 runtime errors.
I installed a screenshot program so you can see the exact error:
Runtime Error
Press OK to Continue
Press Cancel to Quit
Please report what caused this
along with the information below.
I also tested
http://flickr.com/photos/pamelaneko/set ... 212542664/ with AVG off and using the alternade DL folder and it did nothing. By nothing, I mean it downloads a few empty directories, never ends, and has one file that says "[0] waiting..." for eternity.... it doesn't even download anything on the page... and this is of course with an infinite depth level and go deeper un-ticked (ticking it does nothing anyway in this situation.)
I tinker around with software development a lot, so I know how difficult this must be as a developer to deal with remote problems you can't physically put your hands on to recreate and ultimately fix the issue, but I hope am giving enough detail to help out