Continuous dropped connections when fetching bounces


New Member
I am currently trying to use the Bounce Handler to manage bounces on my own domain email account. The bounce emails that are generated by several mailings that I regularly do are redirected to [email protected].

I am now experiencing the problem of repeated dropped connections at the FETCH RFC822 command that I can't pinpoint. I have also tried this using POP and the same happens. Please see the bounce handlers transscript below.

Is this bounce handler behaving badly or is this something that's wrong on the server?

I am seeing this problem on two different email accounts supplied by two different private high-performance providers. I have spoken with one of them and they have checked their servers and restarted them but were unable to locate any problems on their side.

I would appreciate any hints!


4/28 08:49:41 ~ Status: Connecting to (IMAP) Port: 993 Security: SSL v2/3
4/28 08:49:42 ~ Status: Connected to IMAP server
4/28 08:49:42 > A0001 LOGIN errors-bijankafi **********
4/28 08:49:42 * OK [CAPABILITY IMAP4rev1 UIDPLUS CHILDREN NAMESPACE THREAD=ORDEREDSUBJECT THREAD=REFERENCES SORT QUOTA IDLE AUTH=PLAIN ACL ACL2=UNION] Courier-IMAP ready. Copyright 1998-2005 Double Precision, Inc. See COPYING for distribution information.
4/28 08:49:42 > A0002 SELECT INBOX
4/28 08:49:43 A0001 OK LOGIN Ok.
4/28 08:49:43 ~ Status: Mailbox pointer = 1
4/28 08:49:43 ~ Status: Total messages in Mailbox = 0
4/28 08:49:43 * FLAGS ($NotJunk Redirected \Draft \Answered \Flagged \Deleted \Seen \Recent)
4/28 08:49:43 * OK [PERMANENTFLAGS ($NotJunk Redirected \* \Draft \Answered \Flagged \Deleted \Seen)] Limited
4/28 08:49:43 * 1 EXISTS
4/28 08:49:43 * 0 RECENT
4/28 08:49:43 * OK [UIDVALIDITY 1303299179] Ok
4/28 08:49:43 * OK [MYRIGHTS "acdilrsw"] ACL
4/28 08:49:43 A0002 OK [READ-WRITE] Ok
4/28 08:49:43 ~ Status: Mailbox pointer = 1
4/28 08:49:43 ~ Status: Total messages in Mailbox = 1
4/28 08:49:43 > A0003 FETCH 1 RFC822
4/28 08:49:44 ~ Status: 102 Connection dropped. - Stage: 03

4/28 08:49:44 ~ Status: Connecting to (IMAP) Port: 993 Security: SSL v2/3
4/28 08:49:44 ~ Status: Connected to IMAP server
4/28 08:49:44 > A0001 LOGIN errors-bijankafi **********
4/28 08:49:45 * OK [CAPABILITY IMAP4rev1 UIDPLUS CHILDREN NAMESPACE THREAD=ORDEREDSUBJECT THREAD=REFERENCES SORT QUOTA IDLE AUTH=PLAIN ACL ACL2=UNION] Courier-IMAP ready. Copyright 1998-2005 Double Precision, Inc. See COPYING for distribution information.
4/28 08:49:45 > A0002 SELECT INBOX
4/28 08:49:46 A0001 OK LOGIN Ok.
4/28 08:49:46 ~ Status: Mailbox pointer = 1
4/28 08:49:46 ~ Status: Total messages in Mailbox = 0
4/28 08:49:46 * FLAGS ($NotJunk Redirected \Draft \Answered \Flagged \Deleted \Seen \Recent)
4/28 08:49:46 * OK [PERMANENTFLAGS ($NotJunk Redirected \* \Draft \Answered \Flagged \Deleted \Seen)] Limited
4/28 08:49:46 * 1 EXISTS
4/28 08:49:46 * 0 RECENT
4/28 08:49:46 * OK [UIDVALIDITY 1303299179] Ok
4/28 08:49:46 * OK [MYRIGHTS "acdilrsw"] ACL
4/28 08:49:46 A0002 OK [READ-WRITE] Ok
4/28 08:49:46 ~ Status: Mailbox pointer = 1
4/28 08:49:46 ~ Status: Total messages in Mailbox = 1
4/28 08:49:46 > A0003 FETCH 1 RFC822
4/28 08:49:46 ~ Status: 102 Connection dropped. - Stage: 03

4/28 08:49:46 ~ Status: Connecting to (IMAP) Port: 993 Security: SSL v2/3
4/28 08:49:47 ~ Status: Connected to IMAP server
4/28 08:49:47 > A0001 LOGIN errors-bijankafi **********
4/28 08:49:47 * OK [CAPABILITY IMAP4rev1 UIDPLUS CHILDREN NAMESPACE THREAD=ORDEREDSUBJECT THREAD=REFERENCES SORT QUOTA IDLE AUTH=PLAIN ACL ACL2=UNION] Courier-IMAP ready. Copyright 1998-2005 Double Precision, Inc. See COPYING for distribution information.
4/28 08:49:47 > A0002 SELECT INBOX


Staff member
It looks like a server problem to me. The software sends 'A0002 SELECT INBOX' that is to select a given mailbox. Then you get an 'ABORTED' response. I have never seen that behavior :-/


New Member
Sorry for not pointing this out earlier, but the ABORTED line was inserted by me. The programme is stuck in an infinite loop and infinitely repeats the process you see in the log resulting in an CONNECTION DROPPED message multiple times (3 of them in the log here).


Staff member
You mean the 'Status: 102 Connection dropped. - Stage: 03' line, right? You get that line again and again?


Staff member
That means the connection was shut down by the server. It can also happens because of a faulty wifi connection. Are you using wifi?


New Member
I've tried it both on cable, Wifi and 3G+. It doubt it has something to do with the server because it happens with at least 2 different inboxes at 2 completely separate providers.

Have a look at this debug from a different provider now using POP. Here BH actually succeeds in downloading multiple messages and then looses the connection again:

5/9 10:39:00  ~ Status: Connecting to (IMAP) Port: 993 Security: SSL v3
5/9 10:39:02  ~ Status: Connected to IMAP server
5/9 10:39:02 > A0001 LOGIN [email protected] ***********
5/9 10:39:02 > A0002 SELECT Inbox
5/9 10:39:02 A0001 OK User logged in (167)
5/9 10:39:02  ~ Status: Mailbox pointer = 1
5/9 10:39:02  ~ Status: Total messages in Mailbox = 0
5/9 10:39:02 * FLAGS (\Answered \Flagged \Deleted \Seen \Draft \Forwarded)
5/9 10:39:02 * 72 EXISTS
5/9 10:39:02 * 71 RECENT
5/9 10:39:02 * OK [UNSEEN 1]
5/9 10:39:02 * OK [PERMANENTFLAGS (\* \Answered \Flagged \Deleted \Seen \Draft \Forwarded)]
5/9 10:39:02 * OK [UIDNEXT 73]
5/9 10:39:02 * OK [UIDVALIDITY 1303972847]
5/9 10:39:02 A0002 OK [READ-WRITE] SELECT completed
5/9 10:39:02  ~ Status: Mailbox pointer = 1
5/9 10:39:02  ~ Status: Total messages in Mailbox = 72
5/9 10:39:02 > A0003 FETCH 1 RFC822
5/9 10:39:03 * 1 FETCH (RFC822 {16128}
5/9 10:39:03  ~ Mail Subject: 'Abwesenheitsmitteilung Aktuelle Mitteilung der SEKEM Initiative'
5/9 10:39:03  ~ Applying rules to "Abwesenheitsmitteilung Aktuelle Mitteilung der ... Initiative"
5/9 10:39:03  ~ No bounce found.
5/9 10:39:03  ~ Status: Messages downloaded = 1 of 72
5/9 10:39:03 > A0004 FETCH 2 RFC822
5/9 10:39:03 * 2 FETCH (RFC822 {1459}
5/9 10:39:03  ~ Mail Subject: 'Re: Aktuelle Mitteilung der ... Initiative'
5/9 10:39:03  ~ Applying rules to "Re: Aktuelle Mitteilung der SEKEM Initiative"
5/9 10:39:03  ~ No bounce found.
5/9 10:39:03  ~ Status: Messages downloaded = 2 of 72
5/9 10:39:03 > A0005 FETCH 3 RFC822
5/9 10:39:04 * 3 FETCH (RFC822 {1304}
5/9 10:39:04  ~ Mail Subject: 'Re: Aktuelle Mitteilung der ... Initiative'
5/9 10:39:04  ~ Applying rules to "Re: Aktuelle Mitteilung der SEKEM Initiative"
5/9 10:39:04  ~ No bounce found.
5/9 10:39:04  ~ Status: Messages downloaded = 3 of 72
5/9 10:39:04 > A0006 FETCH 4 RFC822
5/9 10:39:06  ~ Status: 102 Connection dropped. - Stage: 03


New Member
stanbusk said:
Have you tried to deactivate your antivirus?

I'm not using an AntiVirus on my Mac. I'm just using Little Snitch but have tried deactivating the filter - without impact on the problem.


New Member
Yes, I do. In fact I am getting continuous reconnections (as visible in the debug snippet I posted). But the connection always fails at the FETCH command thus forcing reconnections "ad infinitum".


New Member
Yes, see comment from 9.5. above. This is also a different provider. It actually succeeds in downloading one or two messages but then looses the connection again at the same point.


New Member
I have eventually given up on this issue as I was unable to identify the problem. I'm not using the bounce handler anymore, sadly.

It's a mystery to me. No software has ever done something only remotely like this.


Staff member
The problem is Gmail. It is the only server as far as I know that disconnects that way. I believe they do it in purpose. There is nothing I can do, Gmail is not suitable for bulk emailing activities.


New Member
Using you product for a number of years now, I just can't use it anymore because of a migration of my bounce mail server to gmail.

I know that you answer on this forum that gmail is not a good server for bouncing emails, but anyway, it seems that others found a solution:
Please, read this faq from interspire :
- Can I use a Gmail account to handle bounced emails?

Also, it seems that the program should have a slower process for gmail, but there is no functionnality implemented to slower the software.

Any interesting solution here ?


New Member
My original problem (non-Gemail-related) has never been solved and I have given up on it.

Tried 2 different accounts, Bounce Handler on Win and Mac to no avail. Connections are always dropped.