Comment editing since 7.5


Hi Stan, there is very strange and annoying behavior on comments editing since version 7.5: When one wants to remove any part of a comment, the end of the existing comment (after cursor position) gets also deleted and lost.

Please have a look, it is almost impossible to touch up any comment by now.


Staff member
It is the expected behavior actually, if you edit a comment the part on the right gets removed, it is the grey part right?

If you do not agree please submit enough info so I can reproduce the problem here.


Yes - correct. Well, this is a new behavior, I was - so far - able to correct (within a comment) a bill number or a misspelling without loosing the rest of my comment. I would say, this is quite puzzling.


Staff member
Yes, the comment field had a bug in it. Now it works like all the other fields on that panel. Make sure all the text is black before editing it. To make all the text black click at the end with your mouse.


I am sorry, I don't get it. In the "comment" field, within the page "Transactions", if I select everything (text background becomes blue) I don't have access to edit a specific part of the text.

If I try to do that (remove a specific part of the text with BACKSPACE), I loose the full selection and I loose also the end of the comment, that gets removed and replaced by a "not-relevant-at-all" text in grey, that comes from one of my 10,000 previous entries.

But, I am not sure what you mean about "Make sure all the text is black before editing it"...

For now, I am stuck with the lengthily process of copying the text on an external notepad, edit it, and copy it back in the comment field.


It works but I should not be tempted to use "<-" key (delete, or backspace on a Mac keyboard). Actually the behavior seems only triggered when hitting this key.


Staff member
I will modify iCash so when the delete key is pressed the auto-completion gets deactivated.