Code page in export or language choice???


New Member
Good day.
I use iCash on MacOS - v.6.6.1
OS language - primary English.
Russian names of categories and accounts are used many.
I try to execute export of transactions.
At export instead of russian symbols ALWAYS only a sign "?"...
How it is possible to choose the coding for export or something to change, that it was possible to carry out export?


Staff member
I got a similar request a few days ago. Indeed iCash doesn't let you select an encoding for exporting. Right now it uses the system encoding. If the system encoding is english but the iCash file contains Russian, all Russian characters will be replaced by interrogation marks. We have to modify the export window to offer encoding selection.


Staff member
No, actually the data has to be converted by iCash to the proper encoding, in that case the one you would select from a pull-down menu in the export window. Right now iCash defaults to the system encoding.