Click-Thru Tracking PHP script


Staff member
Click-Through is the act of clicking on a link, a banner or other ad, which takes the user through to the advertiser's Web site. Used as a counter point to impressions to judge the response-inducing power of the link. A click-through is registered whenever a viewer clicks on that link or banner ad. This measurement is important to determine whether an ad is successfully getting traffic. To determine the click-through rate, you have to divide the number of responses by the number of e-mails you have sent (multiply this number by 100 to express the result as a percentage).

We have created a very simple PHP script you can place on your server to start tracking click-through in seconds. It is called 'click.php'. Look at the readme file in order to know how it works. This script is really simple and easy to modify in order to include more features. Currently it tracks clicked URLs so you can know which ones has been clicked and how many times.

All the information is available here:


Staff member
Have you CHMOD all directories properly? Also make sure the script is set as executable. Also, can you access the admin panel?


New Member
My server is windows based, I have both files in one dir and set the permissions to read write execute

I left filename as

$filename = 'click.dat'; // Data file path


Staff member
Are you sure you can run PHP scripts anywhere in your site? It is possible you have to place them to a specific directory. What puzzled me is that you don't get any error. The script is simply ignored.


Staff member
Really strange. That script is rather simple and straightforward. It was designed to be run on a Unix server though. Maybe you should change all '\n' (LF) with '\r\n' (CRLF) throughout the script.


Staff member
There is a line in the script that is intended to forward the visitor to the real page. It is "header("Location: $link");". Your server is not running that line. Anyway I would say the PHP interpreter in your site has a problem. Have you ask support?